Diet's just one part of the equation. To be the whole package - healthy, fit, and happy - we need to exercise. Cardio and strength training. I'll come up with an acronym for this later, because I do love a good acronym, but now, I want to introduce a new feature to Seen Eating Green. Ready?
Seen Getting Lean. My husband is an NSCA certified personal trainer, a former Marine, and trains in Muay Thai. He loves fitness. You got a fitness question? Pick his brain!
Our first question comes from our friend Jen Hearn.
Jen asks: What common mistakes do people make when starting an exercise program?
Tom says: While there are a multitude of mistakes people make when starting out, the most common are:
- Not including resistance/strength training into a program
- Choosing the improper amount of weight to perform an exercise
- Doing cardio at too low an intensity
At least 80% of my clients have weight loss as their number one goal, and every last one tells me they want to be toned. One cannot exhibit a lean, toned physique if once the body fat is gone, there is no muscle. Muscle is thermogenic. It needs fuel to operate. Think of muscle like the furnace in your home. Turn it way up and keep feeding it fuel, and it cranks through it. (Think about those Winter gas bills!) If you limit the calories you take in, your furnace (muscle) goes to your reserve fuel source (accumulated body fat). Quite simply, muscle can help to burn fat.
So now we know: Muscle burns fat. We need muscle for a lean, toned body. These are just two reasons why you want to include strength training in your workout. Next week, we attack Part Two.
Keep those questions coming, and stay strong!
Leave your questions as a comment here, or email them to me at Tom will do his best to come to the rescue.