Friday, October 12, 2012

Crustless Vegan Quiche

I may not eat eggs anymore, but I do still love traditional brunch foods. In a moment of "nothing will make me happy except something quiche-y!!!" I searched one of my favorite vegan recipe sites - Fat Free Vegan - and found this versatile, satisfying recipe for crustless mini quiches.

I love this recipe for so many reasons. First, it tastes delicious. The texture mimics egg quiches, so closely, I can't really tell the difference. Second, it's versatile. Add different spices, cook in a tomato instead of a muffin cup, maybe even toss in a little vegan cheese. And third, it's low fat and low calorie.

I followed the recipe to the letter, except for one little twist. I added a quarter teaspoon of Black Salt, more formally known as Kala Namak. Don't confuse this will any other Black Salt. Kala Namak is an Indian salt. It smells a lot like sulfur, so you may not want to take a deep whiff of it, but a little bit off this added to tofu adds a savory, "eggy" taste. Try it in a tofu scramble, it really does taste like eggs!  I'm new to using it, so I'm still tinkering with how much to add. My suggestion is to start out with just a little bit. You can always add more if you want.

Here is a direct link to the recipe. Check the site out - It belongs to a woman named Susan Voisin, and it contains a lot of great information. When I'm looking for something new to cook, this is one of my go-to sites! Crustless Vegan Quiches

If you try this, let me know how you like it!