Thursday, June 7, 2012

Simple Watermelon and Herbs

When I was a little girl and we had watermelon, my mom would put me in my blue flowered bathing suit, sit me in a kiddie pool in the back yard, and let me make as big a mess as I felt like. I'd flick the hard black seeds at the ants that would want to share, juice would get everywhere. My hands, arms, feet, legs, all of me would get sticky in the hot Summer sun. No swallowing the seeds though, I did NOT want a watermelon growing inside my tummy. Watermelon, seriously, everywhere! And it all ended with mom "making" me run through the hose to wash off.

My love of simple, as nature intended, watermelon carries on to this day. Tonight, we are enjoying easy chunks of cool watermelon, sprinkled with fresh mint and cilantro from the garden, and finished off with a few squeezes of lime and just a shake or two of salt flakes. That's it. Just let the melon be the melon.


  1. We eat buckets of watermelon in the summer, it gets so boring, this is a great idea not to forget! And your pics are beautiful too!

  2. i like to think that you & your husband put on swimsuits, sat in a kiddie pool while you ate the watermelon. he he he...

  3. yum! i love watermelon drizzled with balsamic vinegar - so delicious. also, your reflection on watermelon here reminds me a very simple, bright salad we had last night: super sweet heirloom cherry tomatoes (halved), cubed english cucumbers, juice of one lime, cilantro, s&p to taste.
