Sunday, May 20, 2012

My crush on breakfast hash

I love hash. I love a whole lot of different stuff all chopped up and playing nice together. I adore the bits and edges that get stuck to the skillet so they get that caramely toasty crunch. And I'm over the moon if I can incorporate catsup into the entire breakfast experience.

There are two recipes that threw my mind into overdrive, thinking about breakfast hash. One is the Shaved Brussel Sprout recipe in Appetite for Reduction by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. Slicing Brussel Sprouts super skinny turns them into a whole new vegetable, in a good way. They become sweeter, and crunchier. Also, the Blue Flannel Hash recipe in Veganomincon, by the aforementioned Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero. Until I read these recipes I thought I said adios to hash when I said adios to meat. But nope, now it's hello to all KINDS of crazy combinations!

Today's breakfast was a hash a mixed up hooray of Brussel Sprouts, Asparagus, Onions, Mushrooms, Green and Red Peppers, spuds, and oh of course Garlic! Lots of dill, and a little sea salt... set us up for a great day! There's no formal recipe, sorry. Oh, I can tell you the the potatoes were already baked, so I cut them into big chunks and browned them on a cast iron skillet. I started the vegetables like almost every other savory dish I make - I sauteed garlic (4 cloves) and onion (about half a cup) in a bit of oil in my wok first. Then I put everything in the wok at the same time except for the spuds. Varied cooking times? To the wind! Cook it all up and eat it!

We're going to get a grill today, I'm woozy just thinking of what we can throw on it! Watermelon? Oranges?

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