Sunday, May 20, 2012

The What-what, and some back story

This blog is an ongoing, unscripted story about what a raucous, exhilarating, breathtaking good time cooking and eating more of the bazillions of plants that are all around us is. It's not a strictly vegan blog, weight loss blog, a how-to manual, or a lecture. I'm not a doctor, nutritionist, or professional anything when it comes to food. All I know is that discovering new fruits, vegetables, grains, gadgets... all of it, is a blast. And I would love to find out that you think so, too, because there's no way I'm the only one who goes gaga when I finally figure out what to do with that weird fruit that I always see at the market but was too afraid to try!

How did I get here? It's not an especially unique story.  Years of eating heavy, processed, food (and way too much of it), drinking whatever I wanted, and getting about zilcho exercise. Interrupted, of course, by brief bouts of attempts to get healthy that didn't last long - South Beach, pre-packaged meals, hyper-diligent portion control, fiber pills...  How'd that all work out? A figure closer to my sturdy stock dad's than my hourglass, petite mom's, a cholesterol level that was about to give a pill pusher cardiologist job security, and a sad sack energy level, that's how.

Then something clicked. What I eat really does matter. I know. Really? I've known about GIGO for forever! Why didn't I get that it applies to me? 

Now I'm taking that fun-to-say GIGO acronym and swapping out the "G". It doesn't stand for garbage anymore. Good stuff In, Good stuff Out. For even more mixed up metaphor fun, we can even make it, Green In, Guilt Out... Maybe later we can play a little game of all the permutations of GIGO we can put together!

So, now that I have all this crazy new extra energy thanks to Mama Nature, I'm using some of it to get this story started! Seen Eating Green, let's do it!